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Martini is a derivative of seven card stud poker, meant for 2-7 players.

This game was designed by Marty J. If you see Marty J in the wild, approach with caution.

Many of the rules for Martini are present in Crazy Queens


If you know seven card stud, tack on these rules to play Martini

  1. At the very end of the game, each player's lowest face-down card will be wild (for all cards of that face value, like “Jacks”).
    1. This wild only counts for that player's hand.
  2. After dealing each round of face up cards:
    1. Players that receive a card with the heart suit have the option to trade.
      1. The player may trade their heart card for any other face-up card in play.
    2. If multiple people have heart cards:
      1. Players make their decisions and trade in order of from highest to lowest.
      2. Ace is considered high.
    3. To clarify, this trading is done after every player receives their face up card.
  3. For the seventh card of the game, each player is given a choice, in order
    1. A player may get the card face down, for free
    2. A player may get the card face up for twice the maximum bet (or some agreed value)
    3. If this face-up card is of the heart suit, they may trade it
      1. The player is immediately given the option to trade it.
      2. Do not wait for all players to make their up-vs-down choice.


Roll Your Own

In Roll-Your-Own Martini:

  1. Rather than dealing cards face up, deal each extra card to players face down.
    1. Each player will choose the card they want to flip face up.
    2. Everyone flips simultaneously after choosing their card.
    3. After flipping the cards, continue the game as if the cards had been dealt face up (being heart trading).
  2. This variant does not change the behavior for the seventh card of the game
    1. The seventh card still provides each player with the option to buy face up or get face down for free.


martini.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/01 11:57 by